Five Reasons to Replace Your Windows
If the eyes are a window to the soul, then windows are a glimpse into your home, both in style and in content. They are the one feature of your house that can be seen from both the inside and the outside. Is this the most thought you’ve ever given to your windows? Good, then we have you just where we want you.
Cislo Siding & Construction installs replacement windows, manufactured by Andersen. After 114 years in business, they are still America’s premier window manufacturer. For the past 20 years, builders have used Andersen windows more than any other brand. We use their products because they make our job easier. Our customers prefer them for five simple reasons:
Just like the company that makes them, these replacement windows are built to last. Also like said company, they are the result of constant innovation in order to ensure that they endure. With the right materials in the right place, not to mention unmatched aesthetics, they are backed by one of the most comprehensive warranties in the business. These windows are both beautiful and durable. Even your furniture will last longer once these windows protect it from harmful UV light.
What could be more comfortable than lower heating and cooling bills? On one hand, your home is always the perfect temperature. On the other…your bills are lower! The byproducts of a quality window that boost comfort include energy efficiency and peace of mind.
Peace of Mind
Speaking of which, a reduction in outside noise will lead to all sorts of peace. Once you factor in Andersen’s latest innovation, you will especially have peace of mind. With their newest feature, Andersen windows can wirelessly connect to your home security system. You will know if your windows are open or closed. With your mobile device, you can check if they are locked, from anywhere!
Energy Efficiency
We know how important it is for replacement windows to be easy on your wallet, but you have to admit it is a tremendous bonus that they are also easy on the planet. Besides, drafts already cause higher heating and cooling bills, which does nothing for your wallet. There is word for where function and cost intersect. It is ‘efficiency’. Andersen Corporation was awarded the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year–Sustained Excellence Award in 2017. The company has been part of the ENERGY STAR program since it started. It was the first window manufacturer to be named an ENERGY STAR National Window Partner of the Year in 1999.
Easy to Use
What good is any of the above if the window isn’t easy to use? If that’s you were thinking, you have a point. The exteriors are low-maintenance and will never need painting. The designs allow for easy cleaning and smooth reliable operation. Is that easy enough for you?
If your house is in need of replacement windows, we would be happy to come out and give you an estimate. Contact us here and schedule an appointment.
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